MAFS is conducting many activities amongst its employees and elderly clients to drive home the importance of the Census as well as the significance of being counted in 2020. Additionally, it plans to undertake extensive outreach to spread awareness amongst the Asian immigrant population at large.
Census data determines how federal funding will be allocated for schools, roads, hospitals, and vital government services. Typically, the South Asian community and minorities have been underrepresented because of fears of the Census but when you respond you help your community get its fair share.
MAFS will hold educational sessions at its Congregate Meal sites – Niles and Schaumburg and Adult Day Care centers in Orland Park, Naperville, Schaumburg to disseminate information through flyers, newsletters, and posters. These materials are effectively translated into Hindi and Gujarati for easy comprehension by our target audience. MAFS will also conduct Census workshops embedded in its semi-annual and pre-service training with clients and workers.
One such workshop has been successfully conducted at one of our 12 sites on February 8th and attended by 70 people. An important insight gained from this session was the fear in the minds of immigrants to disclose their immigration status and personal details. It becomes a big barrier to taking the Census survey. Insights like these give us an opportunity to drive away the misgivings about the Census and encourage more people to be counted.
Our aim is to educate at least 5000 people about the Census, both over and under 60 years of age. So in 2020, Be counted!