Spiritual Discourse at Vedic University, Streamwood

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Spiritual Discourse at Vedic University, Streamwood

Mrs. Santosh Kumar with pandit Ajay Yagnik ji

Sundarkand is a chapter of Shri Ramcharit Manas composed by Tulsidas Ji. In which the success of Hanuman Ji has been described. Sundarkand recitation is one of the ways to offer our prayers to Hanuman ji. The Soulful and Divine ‘Sundarkand Path by Most Respected Pandit Ajay Yagnik Ji was arranged at our Streamwood location where our seniors also joined the auspicious day to invoke god’s blessings. A wave of devotion touched everyone, and they cherished the most revered reading of Sundarkand and beautiful Bhajans by pandit Ajay Yagnik ji.

The seniors from all different locations in attendance to Spiritual Discourse Sudarkand Path